Minggu, 18 Maret 2012

SNSD Sooyoung Fact

Sooyoung Fact

1. The meaning of the name Choi SooYoung is Luxurious Flower Petal


2. Soo is the third youngest member but she is the tallest of them all (170 cm AND GROWING). 

3. She doesn’t call her unnis “unni”. (Nobody can be as badass as Soo, yo!) 

4. Jessica gave her the English name “Summer”. 

5. She eats an average of 6-7 times in a one day. 

6. Soo never had a boyfriend. 

7. Taeyeon busted out one of her sleeping habits: SLEEP TALKING. 

8. Aside from Sunny, Soo is also one certified gamer in SNSD. 

9. She can eat 3 scoops of ice cream in 5 minutes. 

10. She was once asked for a dare in a variety show to put on a swimming tube and do the Gee crab dance in a coffee shop. She was very shy at first but she managed to finish the task amazingly. The dare is taken as a prank in relation for her name (sooyoung) which is also the Korean word for “swimming”. 

11. It was revealed by SuJu that Sungmin of Super Junior is closest with her and Sunny that on SuJu’s 3rd album, Sungmin mentioned Sooyoungie on his Thanks To part. 

12. Soo has worked many times with Kangin of Super Junior (from her predebut days in MNET VJ Chat to the movie SoonJung Mahwa and many other radio shows in between) 

13. One of her pastimes include discovering new facial expressions when she faces the mirror without any make-up. 

14. Sooyoung’s bestfriend is her sister, Soojin. 

15. She won the Most Comic Talent award during the 2009 Girl’s Award. 

16. In relation to that award show, DBSK was quoted saying that “She is really fun to be around and has that special something that makes her stand out”. 

17. She has a huge crush on Jo Insung and Lee Sueng Gi 

18. She likes TALL men with broad shoulders, good backsides, and V-shaped back. 

19. She goes fangirl crazy over VOS. 

20. Comic-writer Kangfull made a comic for Sooyoung. Apparently, Sooyoung sent him a fan e-mail before. Kangfull was so impressed with the way Sooyoung talks (very mature for her age) that he replied to her fanmail. Years later, they finally meet when Sooyoung starred on the movie adaptation of Kangfull’s Manhwa. 

21. Nicknamed Cheerful Princess because of her charming personality. She is considered one the friendliest members in the group. 

22. She can spot fancams easily and she acknowledges them by smiling/waving/sending winks. 

23. Soo has a penchant on keeping things even though they’re worn out when she really likes it. 

24. When she was in middle school, she liked a certain guy that on Valentine’s Day she planned on giving him chocolates. When the great day arrived, she was so shy to reveal her feelings that she ended up not giving the chocolates and bringing it back home. 

25. A TRAX member taught her how to play the drums while Sungmin taught her how to play the guitar. 

26. She can play the piano as seen on her performance during the Chunji Concert. 

27. She was part of the Jeong Shin Female High School choir back in her high school days 

28. Called the Home Shopping Queen because she can perfectly imitate the hosts of Home Shopping Channels 

29. She feels that she is not beautiful and that only ahjussi-fans like her. (Ya Choi Sooyoung, come here so I can bash your head for thinking this way!) 

30. Nicknamed ShikShin by the other SNSD girls because of her big appetite. ShikShin literally means FOOD GODDESS. 

31. She can speak Korean, Japanese, and some English 

32. She is the Most Experienced member in the group as she already debuted even before SNSD as a member of the duo Route 0. 

33. SNSD is her first debut as an artist in Korea but it is also her second debut as an artist (as a whole). Her first debut was in Japan. 

34. She lives with her Mom, Dad, older sister, and a little dog 

35. Her blood type is 0. 

36. A devout Christian, she is also close friends with Jaeson Ma (pastor/musician) 

37. She sang the trot song “Kkok”, which means Sure, for the show Working Mom with SNSD Yuri 

38. The other members refer to her as the girl who “tries hard to be funny”. (LOL I beg to disagree) 

39. While in Japan, she became close friends with BoA and Sunday from The Grace as they too were working in Japan as singers at the time. 

40. Soo is currently the youngest member to win in the game show Star Golden Bell. 

41. Aside from ShikShin, the girls also gave Sooyoung the nickname NaSoo which means interrupter. 

42. Referred by some netizens as Anti’s Darling as she is the most loved/least hated member by antis. Most of whom credit it to her down-to-earth attitude and naturalness. 

43. She has the least thread posts in the STAND forum. 

44. She likes spicy cabbages. (kimchi?) 

45. Her favorite season is Winter. (to think that her English name is Summer. LOL) 

46. She is a big fan of Stacie Orrico. She made a cover of Orrico’s Stuck (pre-debut days) and I Promise (with Jessica). 

47. Soo rates herself a score of 70. (Why Soo, why?) 

48. Between love and friendship, she chooses the latter. 

49. On an interview, Sooyoung was asked the question “What would you say to the people who truly love you?” and she replied “Little fool! I love you!” (violent side taking over again) 

50. On the same interview, she was asked how many boy liked her and she said “5, but they don’t really love me, just used me to dispel loneliness.” (awww.. :|) 

51. The name she would want to give her future kids would be either Hid or Cinderella. 

52. Her favorite number is eight. Her Jersey Number 24 on Oh! was explained when the members exposed the fact that she wrote it because she wants to marry at age 24. Soo reasoned, “It’s just a wish. If I get married, then I can’t do SNSD anymore, so I’ll flip the numbers over and marry at age 42.” (LOL) 

53. “Let’s not procrastinate” is her motto. 

54. Her favorite song from Girl’s Generation is “Complete”. 

55. The longest time that she liked a guy is a month and a half. (hahaha ROFL) 

56. Taeyeon calls Sooyoung her friend, dongsaeng, companion, and husband. She used all four words when referring to Soo during the Rolling Paper activity on Maybee’s Radio 

57. Sooyoung admitted on Oh SangJin’s radio show that she more acquainted with actors/actresses than music idols. 

58. One reason for #57 is that most of the people in her Bible Study Group are actors/actresses. Those she have mentioned were Jung Joon, Sung Yuri, Lee Jin, Ok Juhyun, Na Eol, and Kim Ajoong. 

59. Aside from sleep talking, she sometimes “invades” other members bed. Back when she was still roommates with TaeTae and Yoong, she woke up feeling uncomfortable only to find out that she’s in between her and Tae’s bed. (LOL) 

60. She is close friends with Lee Yeonhee. Their friendship started way back their pre-debut days when they auditioned for the Korea-Japan Idol Casting. They were reunited after many years for the movie Soonjung Manhwa. 

61. There was this incident during a fan meeting when the manager was rushing a fan who is getting signatures from the girls. Sooyoung insisted on writing the fan’s chinese name as a token of appreciation for the fan’s support. 

62. She was given the title “Kim Yuna of the Entertainment Industry”. 

63. Sooyoung has no dance music in her mp3 player since she likes ballads so much. 

64. Her favorite color is pink. 

65. Tiffany shared a story on a radio program on how during their trainee days, Sooyoung saved her mother’s number under Jo Insung’s name. She would then get messages saying “What are you doing?”, “Did you eat?” and all were from “Jo InSung”. She got busted when “Jo InSung” called and it was her mother’s voice which was heard from the other line. (ROFLMAOLOL) 

66. Yoona and Tiffany revealed that Sooyoung has a crush towards Go Soo (an actor from Will It Snow For Christmas). She denied at first but after Yoona revelead that she had made Go Soo a cellphone charm, she immediately agreed while blushing (LOL). She even said that just thinking of him makes her smile. (HAHAHA FANGIRL!) 

67. Sooyoung invents nicknames for the girls. She calls Hyoyeon, Hyosukie; Taeyeon, Taengie; Yoona, Yoongie; and Seohyun, Makdoongie (cute way of saying maknae). 
68. Aside from Stacie Orrico, Soo also revealed that she is a fan of Jason Mraz. (oh, could listening to foreign artists be her way of practicing her English? How lovely!) 

69. Soo pointed out during a Sukira guesting that one of the things she worry about herself is that she has too much hair. This must be related to her UFO reply when a fan asked why she cut her hair (during Genie promotions) and she answered “I want it to dry fast”. 

70. During the same Sukira guesting, the girls subtly hinted that Sooyoung once had a crush on Eunhyuk during their trainee days. (HAHAHA) 

71. If she wasn’t in SoShi, Soo said that she would have been a designer. 

72. Sooyoungie expressed sadness on being nominated as #1 on the Most Intimidating Member. She said that “They say that I seem like the most intimidating but I’m really quiet at the dorm.” 

73. Hyo supported Soo’s statement by saying that Sooyoung is actually the Most Obedient. (looks can be really be deceiving) 

74. Sooyoung cares for Maknae so much. She always speaks highly of Seobaby and she almost always lets her win on games. 

75. Soo’s mom wants a boy so she is raised like one. Her mom made her wear pants and she used to sport a boycut back when she’s still a kid. 

76. On SBS Strong Heart, Sooyoung confessed about an incident involving a toilet. Her whole family was in a Seoul subway stop when some fans took notice of her. Sooyoung who wasn’t all decked out in her stage apparel and makeup, ran into the bathroom to hide (she was afraid someone would write that she doesn’t look that good in person). The two fans were knocking on the door but Sooyoung kept on insisting that she is not SNSD’s Sooyoung and that they’ve got the wrong person. As they were losing hope, suddenly Sooyoung’s mother yelled “CHOI SOOYOUNG! HURRY UP AND COME OUT!” (LOL). Of course, with her identity confirmed, no fan would just leave. Sooyoung said, “They slipped a piece of paper under the stall door and I just took it and quickly signed it. They eventually went away and I was finally able to get out of the bathroom!” (she is so worried about her appearance lol) 

77. Her favorite ice cream flavor is chocomint. 

78. Apart from her weird sleeping habits, Sooyoung was once caught pouting her lips (as if kissing someone) in her sleep. 

79. Sooyoung and FT Island Jaejin are close friends. 

80. Acting in a historical drama is one of her greatest dreams as an actress. 

81. Sooyoung mentioned in SGB that her first love is an oppa whom she had seen on the streets. (LOL) She was in middle school back then, and the guy was in high school. It was love at first sight for her that she admitted following the boy at times. She was heartbroken when she saw the guy with his girlfriend. She calls the guy her Romeo and until now, that boy doesn’t know about her feelings at all. (awww) 

82. In an episode of Wonderful Outing, Yuri said that she gained 5 kilograms during their Unforgettable Marriage days because she was always eating along with Sooyoung. She gained weight by following the ShikShin’s eating schedule which is 7 times in one day. 

83. She sang the opening song ‘I Am’ for the Korean version of the anime InuYasha. 

84. Sooyoung and Yuri recently attended a class party with their ChungAng classmates. For many reasons it’s hard for celebrities to take part in these events with other regular students. The regular students are usually distant with the celebrity students but a classmate has been praising the girls for coming to school whenever their busy schedule permitted and mingling together with other students. 

85. Apart from Sungmin, she is especially close with Hankyung of Super Junior. She was even quoted saying in a playful manner that “Hankyung-oppa is Made in China.” 

86. Her Japanese name is Che Suyon. 

87. Known as the group’s megaphone, Sooyoung is almost always the spokesperson during interviews, whenever the group receives awards, or even other not-so-good things. Her flair for words is definitely one, if not her most, renowned talents. 

88. On an interview in Chosen, Sooyoung is referred to be the most well-mannered and respectable amongst the members. 

89. Along with this, Yuri was quoted on saying that “More than anyone, Sooyoung is the member most devoted to justice and what’s right. When there’s something that everyone else hates to do, she’ll get up and do it, and if there’s some sort of conflict, she’ll get up right away and set it straight.” 

90. Sooyoungie is a Harry Potter fan. 

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