Minggu, 18 Maret 2012

SNSD Taeyeon Fact

Taeyeon Fact

1.Taeyeon's talents came from her parents...Her dad was a vocalist in a band, and mom had won children's song competitions when she was young.

2.Taeyeon's parents are very supportive. They let their children decide for themselves. Because of that, Taeyeon learned to take care of things on her own.

3.Her Father once said, Taeyeon, ever since, has always been taeyeon(Calm).

4.Her brother once said, when Taeyeon was in middle school, she was already an ahjumma.

5.Taeyeon thinks she would burden the girls if she let them see that she's upset over something, that's why she keeps so many secrets/problems.

6.Taeyeon used to travel from Seoul to her home almost everyday on her trainee days. School work is the main reason.

7.Taeyeon never played with dolls, she played tops, robots and cars..

8.Taeyeon once dreamed of becoming an announcer. She said she wanted to take over the world.

9.Taeyeon was hospitalized last March(not sure about the date) and due to
her absence, Sooyoung replaced her in Chinchin.

10.It was once asked on Taeyeon,"If you and your boyfriend broke up, where will you go?" She answered, "The most quiet place in the world , I will calm down my mood alone"

11.Once when she was recording a solo, Taengoo did not sing well and she could not reach the high notes. She tried recording it again many times but it was the same. She cried. Everyone was shocked to see Taeng crying. Fany, who couldn't walk that time due to lef injuries wanted to walk towards her to comfort her but HyoYeon stopped her from doing so. Taeng later said that she didn't do well and she cried because she was worrying about someone.

12. taeyeon once said, "No one believes I haven Fall In love before"

13.Taeyeon is actually taller than Sunny by only "2cm"

14.Taeyeon phone was once lost and it was found inside the refrigerator

15.Taeyeon's favorite song from their first album is "Merry-Go-Round".

16.Taeyeon is a sleep talker.

17. taeyon used to play RF online.

18.Taeyeon is a fruit Peeler expert.

19.Taeyeon cherishes her phone and her online games.

20.Taeyeon once wanted to quit as SNSD's Leader.

21.Taeyeon knows how to play starcraft and her favorite race is protos

22.She i a good pen spinner

23.She is the dorkiest girl group leader.

24. She loves gummy bears.

25.She is a fan girl of Rain Bi.

26.She once said that she likes wearing long sleeved pajamas because she feels more secured with them.

27.She maid their chant, "Right now, It's SNSD"

28.Kim Taeyeon Literally means "The Great Beauty" Taeyeon literally means, "Calm"

29.Taeyeon's favorite number is 9.

30. Seohyun somehow brainwashed her because she now likes Keroro.

31. She likes to have a musjroom as her house.

32.Taeyeon has a very bad memory.

33.Taeyeon ran away from their dorm during her trainee days because of exhaustion.

34.Taeyeon's ideal guys is the one who's humerous and has a good skin.

35.Taeyeon is the type who hides her sadness in smiles.

36.Taeyeon once dreamed to be a math teacher.

37. She likes cactuses!

38. Taeyeon and Fany are Wife-Wifw couples.

39.She hates aegyo. She once said she had a hard time being cute in "Gee"

40."Never do things you will regret later" is her Motto.

41. Taeyeon wanted to do musicals from the very beginning.

42. she wears contacts.

43. She sleeps an average of 7 hours a day.

44. Taeyeon voted herself as best cook of all nine members though others voted for Hyoyeon.

45. Taengoo once cried because she felt bad that while the members were eating on the table, the staff were eating on the floor.

46. She became a model of her parents' optical shop.

47. She doesn't like long haired boys.

48. In Music Bank, she got hit with the fireworks but no serious injury.

49.When she was young, she used to listen to the radio while studying. She says radio listening has been a part of her life.

50.Taeyeonn likes the movie, "National Treasure"

51. Fans call her hobbit(Human Elf)

52. She straches everyday to somehow gain height.

53.Before, Taeyeon sleep walked and used the elevator several time while sleeping.

54.She dislikes herself after being full because of eating too much.

55.Taeyeon is dreadful using her left hand that she only types in the keyboard with her right hand.

56.She likes purple flowers.

57.she watches TV 4 hours a da.

58. She takes utensils and other things with her on broadcasting stations so that she would be ready when other members need them.

59. she likes tigers, puppies, and cats.

60. Her favorite season is Winter.

61.She will choose friendship over love.

62.Taeyeon's common sleep talk phrase is 'More! More!' which made Yoona (her former roommate) laugh so hard that she had a hard time falling asleep.

63.She wants to visit America and Japan.

64. Taegang Unite is her fan club's name.

65. Taeyeon's roomate is sunny.

66.she used to suffer from insomnia.

67. Her favorite color is light blue and purple blue.

68. Her brother looks like her, has the same expression as her, and is nicknamed, "Boy Taeyeon".

69. One of her ideal men is Vegeta from Dragon Ball Z

70. her most treasured object is her Training jogging pants that she wears eventhough it is worn out uunti she gave it away on We Got Married.

71. Her nicknames are, Eomma, Ajumma, Kid Leader, Byuntaengoo, Taegoo, Tete, and Dorky Leader.

72. Taeyeon, Soo, and Yoona hated cockroaches so much that they once burned it on top of a candle.

73.She can fall asleep anywhere.

74. She and Jessica are best out of the 9 when it comes to Highest Vocals.

75. She was chosen leader because it was a requirement with SM Entertainment that Leaders are the ones who are eldest.

76. She's blunt, Dense(I dont like that one.>.

77.Get's drunk on butter bear.

78.She has 5 piercings.

79. She sets the camera on the 9th level when she takes pictures of herself.

80. She plays football.

81.She can imitate Sharapova's(Tennis Player) "Sound Effects"

82. Taeyeon's last visit on Soshified.com is August 2, 2008, 6:31 PM

83. Her height is 1.82 m.

84. She loves to touch nicole's(Kara) Butt.

85. She envies Sooyoung's short hair that she copied it.

86. She was asked once, "How do you disteress" ans she answered, " Think of something else; listen to music to divert mood."

87. She used to play Violin.

88. She and Sunny are called,"Villains of SNSD"

89. She and sunny also were said to have,"Short heights but Steel hearts"


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